Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Dreaming of the Sun

My partner and I have been lucky enough to be invited to a wedding in Fiji at the beginning of August, and I'm SUPER excited.  I can't wait to escape the cold and spend a few days swimming, enjoying spa treatments and cocktails in the's going to be bliss.  Not to mention the wedding which is at sunset (swoon!) and will no doubt be a gorgeous, happy event!

The one thing playing on my mind is what to wear!  I've been to quite a few weddings in the last three years, but not one in a different climate. I know I can dress less formally to allow for the heat, so I've been playing around on Polyvore to make a few bright summery outfits with matching swimwear, just for fun.  I like the idea of something simple that can be accessorised to make different outfits, which will also save on suitcase space!
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4
 I bought the Jets polka dot bikini yesterday...can't wait to have an actual reason to wear it (as it's probably not entirely appropriate for casual Friday in the office).



  1. Steph, I heart all of these outfits! You're amazing!

  2. Aw thanks! It's super fun and SO easy to make them!


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