Some days you just want to quit everything and escape....days are cold and dark, work is doing my head in - all I want to do is lie on a beach. Who's with me.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
When Books Imitate My Life
I'm not yet halfway through my book, which I prefer - I've still got a way to go so I can savour the story, and the anticipation of when I next get to read. I'm not yet at that panicky stage when you really want to see how the story ends, but you don't want it to actually end - the internal struggle is nearly overwhelming.
I suppose a story is more relatable when it's set in the present, and doesn't involve any exotic locations or supernatural elements. But that's my favourite kind of story. I always seem drawn to books in which the main character is someone frustrated with their (often self-imposed) oppressed creativity, someone who is nearing 30 and still doesn't know what they want to do in life.
Not that I'm unhappy with my life, but I just think I'm nearing the age where things haven't worked out the way I thought they would, and I'm realising that's the way it is for most people. Does that mean I'm finally becoming an adult? If so, it's about time. Up until now I've felt perpetually 12 - a bit awkward, internally clumsy and with front teeth a bit too big - but still with childish hope. But lately things have been shifting and I can't really pinpoint when or why. I'm still hopeful, and my dreams haven't faded at all, but now I feel like someone with determination and the realisation that your dreams don't magically drop out of a unicorn's rear and shower you with sparkles while turning you into a pop-star. I feel purposeful and more in control, which is probably more exciting than any childhood dream. Self-reliance is no longer scary, it's liberating and the anticipation of what I'll achieve as an adult is pretty cool. I only wish it'd happened to me sooner.
When did this turn into a therapy session. Sneaky books making me think about stuff.
(If anyone is wondering, it's called Charlotte Street by Danny Wallace)
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
A Public Place to Hide
It's nice to have quiet time in a crowded restaurant.
If you've never dined alone, you're missing out. It can be a little bit scary to begin with, but if you take a book (or have good games on your cellphone) it can be lovely to sit somewhere warm, have someone bring you food, and just enjoy the time to think your own thoughts and people watch. My favorite place to go is a Thai restaurant close to work, and I usually go there on days when I think I'm getting sick. Don't worry, I'm not a psycho bent on spreading my germs to unsuspecting folk - but I am convinced that a steaming bowl of spicy tom yum soup can stop a cold in its tracks. Today was no exception. I'd been battling a sore throat all morning, but I swear all that chilli and lemongrass cleared any lurking virus away before it could take hold!
I am naturally someone who likes spending time alone, doing something crafty, or reading. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my friends and going out to parties etc, but if I had to choose I would usually rather stay tucked up at home. So sometimes a public yet solitary experience can be quite enjoyable - you get to go out and do something fun, but you can make all the choices about what you do, and you can go home to bed whenever you want! I really want to try going to a movie alone, which I'm sure would be easier than a restaurant, but somehow I think I would feel creepy. Depends on the movie I suppose....
Monday, 20 May 2013
Monday. Seriously.
When I woke up this morning I thought "WHAT. It's Monday already?! I HATE YOU SO MUCH". Then I shook my fist in a Homer Simpson manner. But now, in the comfort of my sofa, I can honestly say that I still hate it.
Today was the worst. Not only did I have to talk to people and do stuff, but I was nursing the Monday hangover. Now the Monday hangover is VERY different from the Sunday hangover. Sunday hangovers involve slothing around the house, eating lots, maybe feeling a bit ill or headachey. You feel crappy but at least you can hide in your house and recover in a peaceful manner.
Monday hangovers are a whole other story. If I've been out on a Saturday night, the next Monday is by far the worst day after that. Physically I feel fine, I just hate myself and the entire world around me. Not only that, but all my money is gone from the weekend so I can't afford anything nice to eat.
Today I had cereal for lunch, and let me tell you, I was dark.
Monday. Seriously
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Something Nice To Look At If, Like Me, You're Feeling Lethargic
I'm a bit poorly today. I didn't overindulge on the gin too much, but it was definitely a late night and I really need my sleep. Despite a sleep in I'm still a bit jaded and have the shades of a hangover blurring the edges of my senses. Strong sweet coffee and food high in carbs usually help, but for me, looking at pretty things seems to counteract the feeling-sorry-for-self that comes with the morning after. So today's post is full of things that are just nice to look at. Plus if I do a blog post then I've done at least one productive thing and I don't feel so guilty about lazing around all day.
So settle in by the fire with a cuppa and enjoy my selection of nice things.
This stunning photo project with a beautiful back-story |
This Salted Chocolate Caramel Fudge Cake. Oh my. |
This delicious ampersand photography project |
My talented friend Julia captures exactly how I feel today |
This treehouse surrounded by cherry blossom (Photograph copyright Akihisa Masuda) |
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My friend Heather cooks this dumpling soup to remedy a cold, but it looks so good, I'm sure it could cure a hangover too! |
These pictures have definitely helped me feel better, but I'm also super hungry now...I'm off to rustle up something delicious.
Friday, 17 May 2013
Never Too Cool
This weekend I'm going to a school themed costume party, and getting my costume together has got me thinking about high school, friends, and the fact that it's been 10 YEARS since I was there (sigh. What have I done with my life so far?!). ANYway....
Thinking about high school brings up a mixture of great and awkward memories. Mine are more awkward than anything - I was not cool and there were a LOT of unrequited crushes (Puberty Blues anyone?) - but one of the greatest things is that I am still friends with most of the same people from school. My high school buddies and I don't often see each other as I live in another city to most of them, but I miss them all tons and I am so grateful that we still stay in touch.
I'm feeling a little nostalgic I guess...10 years is a long time. I can't believe we're all grown up already.
Yes. That is me. In an "Ever After" inspired medieval theme ball dress. Told you I wasn't cool. |
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Monday. Seriously
My cat is far too greedy/Why am I tired ALL THE TIME/Could people GO any slower up escalators?!!
On Mondays I look like this on the outside (well, similar but crappier):
But I am actually doing this on the inside:
On Mondays I look like this on the outside (well, similar but crappier):
But I am actually doing this on the inside:
Source |
Zero effort pic and the post is a day late but guess what? I was too annoyed to do it yesterday. Ha.
What gets you riled on a Monday? Tell Aunty Steph...
Monday. Seriously
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Work It
Polka dot dress / Peplum jacket, $28 / Pretty Polly nude pantyhose, $9.33 / T-strap shoes / Cole Haan gloves / Hair bow accessory / Forever 21
I always try to dress up for work, it makes me feel better about the day ahead and it's really the only creative activity I undertake during the week!
With the colder weather approaching I think we are all drawn to darker
colours, especially in Dunedin. Lately I've been craving some bright
wardrobe additions to keep the summer lingering in my life as long as
I love blue but it's not really a colour that suits me which
is why these accessories are perfect. I also love the colour combination
of the red and blushing cream, it reminds me of strawberry ripple
icecream and hazy sunsets...ah, I'll miss you fondly, summer. x
Monday, 6 May 2013
Monday. Seriously.
It's cold. People talking to me before I am caffeinated. Why can't I wear my pajamas. I hate my hair. I miss Top of The Lake. My back hurts. The chair is scratchy. People whose mobiles beep with every button push. Having to do stuff. The footpaths are too slanty.
I know some people must enjoy the start of the week, but I don't know any of those people and if I did, well I'd probably want to throw my coffee at them. Especially if I met them on a Monday.
I can't help being irritated on the first day of the week, I feel like I've been rudely awoken from a cozy weekend dream and now people are trying make me use my brain - it's not pretty. The only thing I can do is embrace the feeling and allow myself a weekly rant. It will be carthatic for me, and hopefully entertaining for you. So enjoy. Or not, I don't care. Where's my coffee.
Monday. Seriously
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