Wednesday, 29 February 2012

What Happens When I Try to Do Work

The other day when I was making labels, all these little bits accumulated from cutting them out...and because I was tired I got distracted and started playing. Then I made up these little designs, and now I'm calling it art. So there.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Rekindled Romance

 After a little bit of post-Christmas laziness (well, a lot actually considering it's almost March) I've got my motivation back and have spent a few evenings making more bunting and labels.

I've been having fun developing my tastes and playing with different fabric combinations, and each time I make new labels I get to choose new pretty colours to match the product. I am in love with every set that I produce, which is really important to me because I would never want to make something that I wouldn't be proud to keep in my own home!  Even though my fabric stocks are pretty static at the moment (I have promised myself that I will use up what I've got before I go buying any more), I still love every design so it's always enjoyable to make things.

Some of these sets are for sale in my Felt shop, so I hope you take the time to have a look!

Monday, 20 February 2012

A Flurry of Creativity

In the spirit of creating things I had a lot of fun last week making a costume for a party.  It was so much fun, I went crazy with the glue gun and all the pearls and necklaces that I've been saving for decorations.  When the really cheap jewellery shops have sales, I often stock up on the long chains with lots of charms on them. They really come in handy when you want to decorate presents, I just pull them apart and thread the decorations onto ribbon and thin strips of fabric. Beautiful!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Green Thumbs Up

Oops. I haven't done this in ages.  It's not that I haven't been inspired, just busy. Plus I forget my camera a lot and think "this would make a great post, where's my - oh".  No matter, I'm here now!  Some of the things I do remember to photograph are the veges, fruit and herbs from my little garden. I love my garden!  We only just started growing things before the summer but we've had so much from it, for so little effort.  There's such a sense of satisfaction that comes from growing veges - it's easy, cheap, healthy and most of all - delicious! Plus I actually like doing the weeding and watering because it makes me spend time outside. 

I'm hoping there will be enough sun to ripen my tomatoes, but if not, I think some green tomato chutney will be on the agenda. Which will make a great post if I remember to photograph it.....