Sunday, 15 May 2011

Patterns of Compulsion

I usually go through phases of being in love with a certain style of fabric or clothing.  For a long time it was florals, and while they will always hold a place in my heart, at the moment I am a bit addicted to paisley. 

It's currently autumn here and lots of the latest styles have an air of the 1970's about them, long flowing skirts and paisley included.  I love it, because even though it's cold, the styles conjure up images of hazy hot summer days and nostalgic elegance.  The combination of colours in a paisley pattern means that it will match with just about any other item of clothing, and that can only be a good thing.

The intricate designs and colours hold so much fascination with me that I've even attempted to draw them.  Not only that, but I actually had more paisley around my house than I first thought. Seems it's been wriggling it's way to the forefront without me even noticing.

Anyone else out there who loves paisley as much as I do? No? Oh well, all the more for me...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Judge Me By My Cover


Books are always on my list of loved vintage items, but my infatuation with dresses means they are often overlooked.  Occasionally though, I will spy something that reminds me how much I like them.  One of the genres I really enjoy collecting and reading is spooky storybooks. They quite often contain an excellent tale or two, and the worn look of a vintage book usually adds to the feeling of creepiness and horror...

Of course, I also love books with vintage fashion in them. The above lovely sewing book enthralls me with fascinating and forgotten techniques, and also provides a few giggles with the outdated language and advice.  

Most of all though, I just love the familiar, comfortable look of old books.  Their worn covers,  yellow pages, and handwritten notes remind me that someone else once loved them too. I like the fact that they have survived all these years and now I get to keep them safe...all while they make my shelves look pretty.